Masayoshi Tsuchiga: Skype Interpreter

Welcome to my home page

Japanese language page here In the past we used to hear that Japanese parents paid huge amounts of telephone charges in order to know the whereabouts of their cherished sons and daughters while they were staying abroad for language studies, but nowadays thanks to Skype and Skype-Out we can call abroad and home for nothing or for pennies. Traditionally Japanese society had been isolated from foreign nationals, but it is becoming more and more common for Japanese to marry Filipinas and Chinese. The amazing power of Skype is that we can talk freely and view each other and invite up to five persons on a conference telephone call. I have been teaching English for many years and I would like to help those Japanese nationals who are eager and sincere to marry Filipinas and Chinese who have a fair command of the English language

Communication on Skype and Festoon

Expand the world of communication on Skype

About Skype, Skype out and conference telephone calls

Skype is a form of communication between PCs; while Skype-Out enables us to communicate with landlines and mobiles throughout the world for free or for pennies. Conference telephone calls enable us to invite up to five persons on the same telephone call which means Japanese nationals who have foreign friends are enabled to communicate more freely and to the point.

Other Services

I am willing to translate English and Japanese language texts including love letters.Concerning precision of interpretation work , I am recording my work on MP3 recording software . I will send you MP3 recorded files on Skype file transmission for free .

Masayoshi Tsuchiga Minami-Awaji-city,Japan

My Skype name is marilou24jp Call me!

Mail me Here

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Last update:2008/7/21 2005 Masayoshi Tsuchiga.All right reserved.